Tuesday, July 10, 2012

my friend, the book worm and other random things

Some books that have made an impression on me recently:
Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis
My Father, Maker of the Trees by Eric Irivuzumugabe and Tracey D. Lawrence
The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins
Discipline: the Glad Surrender by Elisabeth Elliot

Wow, I just realized that other than the Hunger Games, those are all non-fiction. That's not normal for me, but I think I like it. I guess that way, when I get lost in a book, I can at least be reading about something that actually happened! And believe me, I get lost in books.  I felt like I had changed as much as Katniss had by the time I got to the end of Mockingjay (book 3)!

I've had more time to read again recently since I've been back on night shift. Sometimes I take advantage of it, and sometimes, I get on Skype and Facebook all night and talk to people I love and miss. Now, don't get me wrong. These babies keep me plenty busy! We were down to 6, sort of almost, and then we got 5 new ones! They were born May 30, June 2, June 4, June 14, and June 30. So yes, for those of us who have a hard time with basic math, we currently have 11 :)  We had mostly girls for a while, but now we only have 4 girls! They are all perfect and sweet and snuggly...of course it's a lot easier to say that at this moment, since they are all finally asleep!  God continues to abundantly pour out His grace on me in so many ways. Oh, this grace undeserved! Somehow, He always gets me through the moments (that seem an eternity!) when multiple babies are fussing, and I can't seem to get anyone to calm down (including myself!). His grace is sufficient for me. When I'm "home"sick and can't seem to remember why i'm here, His grace is sufficient for me. When I get asked for the bajillionth time "when are you coming back?" and I have to answer AGAIN "I still don't know", His grace is sufficient for me. When it's 3:08 am and I just want to lay down and sleep, but I know babies need fed....His grace is sufficient for me!
Another way He has blessed me recently: my car sold within a couple days of listing it....for more than I was hoping for!!! I will miss you Rosalee, and I hope your new owner appreciates you as much as I did! :)

I read another book a couple days ago (Chosen: the Lost Diaries of Queen Esther by Ginger Garrett- a novel about Queen Esther) and there was a part in it that made me stop and think. It compared how praying about the future can sometimes become more like seeking a fortune teller instead of seeking God's will... Coming back to Taiwan has been a dream of mine for a while now. It's funny, because for a couple years I wasn't sure if/when it was ever going to get to happen again, but by God's grace it has (i'm going on 8 months here!)! However, now I find myself questioning when I get to go back to the States, and feeling sorry for myself because I don't have it all set up yet! It's silly because God has never left me. And I still think/live that way sometimes... 

Please forgive me, Daddy for doubting You, and for treating You like a fortune teller instead of trusting You with my future. Help me to live each day and each moment to glorify You, and not worry about tomorrow.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Island vacay anyone?!

This may be the twelfth time I've attempted to post an update. I get on here, thinking I'm all ready to write something and then I just sit here. Sit here and stare at the blinking cursor while a million thoughts and feelings are running through me that I feel completely inadequate to put into words. But I will try...
I miss so many people. Which is true no matter where I happen to be. When can I be with everyone I love at the same time?! Oh yeah, Heaven! When oh when oh when?!?!...but then I remember that not everyone I love may be headed that way. Ouch.
Taiwan is keeping me longer...not in a "i got in trouble and have to stay" kinda way, but in a James 4:17* kinda way. I'll be here at least until September now! Of course I also happen to love it here, and always dread leaving...so it's nice to have a reprieve on the saying goodbye part.   But i still miss people elsewhere. So many people i want to hug. So, there's more time now if anyone wants to come for a visit! :) Cute babies, beauuutiful island, delicious food...what's not to love?! 
Oh, this extended stay also means a little adventure for me: I'm flying to Hong Kong on Wednesday to get a new visa...should be interesting! I'm gonna admit I'm a bit nervous, so prayers would be mucho appreciated. Thank you!!! Maybe I'll actually write about it when I get back :)

 *Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

a day in the life...

I'm not sure what to say. I just feel like i fit here. I remember feeling this way when I was here before, but being away so long I had convinced myself that it was all in my head. I don't know what it means for my future, but I'm so thankful for the time God has allowed me for now. 
For those of you interested, here is what my day generally looks like:
7:30am- go downstairs, eat breakfast, maybe hold a baby (we have 15 currently)
8:30-9:15ish-feed babies/change diapers
9:30-11ish- play with babies/read books/sing songs/dance
11-11:45ish-feed babies/change diapers/put down for nap time
noon-2pm ish- eat lunch/go for a walk/take a nap/read a book/ hold a crier
2-3ish-feed babies/change diapers
3-5ish-play/read/sing with babies
5-5:30ish-feed babies/put down for nap
6-6:45ish- eat dinner
7-8ish- devotions with all the kids and babies/feed babies
8:15-9ish- finish feeding babies/change diapers/put to bed
10ish-go to bed (although it's 11pm as I'm typing this. I somehow never get right to sleep when I come upstairs)
Of course that doesn't include in between baby snuggling time/puke clean up, all the interaction with the other wonderful helpers here, the laughter, the encouragement, the understanding...sometimes the sarcasm :) Not to mention all the delicious amazing food! I am truly in lack of nothing here*. I am beyond blessed to be here.

Thanks so much for all your love and prayers! I'll try to get pics posted soon.
Because of Jesus

*Ok, so I am lacking people i love that don't live here. However, no matter where I go, I'm always missing someone. Which is one reason Heaven will be so incredibly fabulous!!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Island Christmas

On Labor day weekend I drove from Nashville, TN (which has been my home for the last 2 years), to Minneapolis, MN.  I've been staying with close friends here, being blessed to spend time with them, and once again being stretched by God.  I've had moments that I seriously questioned what I was thinking when I made that drive, but different circumstances have confirmed to me that God had a reason for this. I'm now incredibly thankful that I have had this experience, and I'm also very thankful that He has provided for my way to Taiwan as well...

As of about 9am this morning, it became official! I will be leaving the States on November 29th, and I will get to experience my 2nd island Christmas :)       (And I will get to AVOID experiencing a Minneapolis winter!!!)

I am once again overwhelmed by the abundant way God has provided.  I am humbled, and ashamed by the doubts and fears that i allow to creep into my thoughts.  And still He is faithful. And still He provides.   If you are reading this, than I'm pretty sure God has used you to provide for me in some way, whether with money, prayer, love, encouragement, or all of the above! Thank you.

I know that my God will supply for all your needs, according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I want to say thank you thank you thank you to everyone who has been supporting me, and praying for me, and encouraging me! I just got news that what I need for the rest of my plane ticket is on its way! So within the next week or so I should be able to finally purchase my plane ticket, and have an actual leave date! So many exclamation points because I'm so excited! God is so good! I'm so unfaithful, and full of doubt, and He continues to be faithful, and my strength and provider. I will try to have a bit more to say when I post my launch time...until then, be encouraged: Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever. Hebrews 5:8

Monday, August 8, 2011

Foolish girl

I've spent a big part of my life trying to avoid being uncomfortable or looking foolish, and it tears me up inside how many opportunities to share the Truth with people I have missed because of it.  God showed me today that it's time for me to be done with the avoidance of looking foolish.  It doesn't mean I'm going to go around doing stupid things for no reason.  It does mean that choices in my life from here on out are going to be based on what God calls me to do, & not based on what I will look like to everyone else.  After all, my life is not my own. I have been bought with a price: the precious, priceless blood of Jesus.  He has ruined me to all else.  
I know I can't do this on my own.  Only through the power of the Holy Spirit is this possible.  Please pray for my sensitivity to the Spirit, and my obedience.  

"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,  and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe." Ephesians 1:18,19

Bond-servant of Christ

Thursday, July 7, 2011

In 1 week from tonight I get to visit some family.  The visit is shorter than I had first planned, but i am still so thankful for the blessing of getting to see my parents, and some of my siblings & nieces and nephews! It's just for a few days, and when i say few, i mean i fly in Thursday night, and fly out eaaaaarrrrrly Tuesday morning, but there's a lot of lovin getting squished into those 4ish days!  Including, Lord willing, my newest niece, Penny
My sister has not had the easiest pregnancy this time around (number 5!), but the end (beginning!) is finally coming.  She actually went into the hospital to be induced 2 nights ago, but that baby just wasn't quite ready to come yet.  I'm just praising God that both my sister and the baby are so far healthy!  It's kinda funny to me (funny as in ironic, not funny haha. I feel so bad for my sister, because she wants this baby to come so badly!) that along with God revealing to me how much of my life has been based on fear instead of trust in Him, He is also now showing me the way out of that: surrender.  
That word seems innocent enough, but it is SO powerful!  The induction not working is a picture to me of how often we try to force our own agendas, or plans, even if God's time is not yet.  No matter how much my sister wanted that baby to come out, and the doctors did this and that to force it, Penny just wasn't ready, so she didn't come yet!  I know I've done this so often in my own life, and yet somehow, no matter how impatient I am, God's timing always ends up perfect.  I'm the one that's always messing things up, and yet somehow I forget to rely on His perfection! Somehow I convince myself that I know best, or I let the fear of somehow missing out on one thing or another overtake me.  Then there are times when even though the waiting for His timing was hard or scary, through the power of the Holy Spirit, I managed to wait it out, and the end result was incredible, and beyond my asking or imagining.  I want those times to become more and more, and to be the ones that define my life, instead of the constant fear and doubt.
Thank You Daddy for continuing to shape me. Thank You for continually teaching me surrender.  Please forgive me for so often trying to take back control.  My life is Yours. Please strengthen me as I take steps after Jesus, and make the not easy choices so that my life brings glory to You alone.  I love You Daddy!