Sunday, April 22, 2012

Island vacay anyone?!

This may be the twelfth time I've attempted to post an update. I get on here, thinking I'm all ready to write something and then I just sit here. Sit here and stare at the blinking cursor while a million thoughts and feelings are running through me that I feel completely inadequate to put into words. But I will try...
I miss so many people. Which is true no matter where I happen to be. When can I be with everyone I love at the same time?! Oh yeah, Heaven! When oh when oh when?!?!...but then I remember that not everyone I love may be headed that way. Ouch.
Taiwan is keeping me longer...not in a "i got in trouble and have to stay" kinda way, but in a James 4:17* kinda way. I'll be here at least until September now! Of course I also happen to love it here, and always dread it's nice to have a reprieve on the saying goodbye part.   But i still miss people elsewhere. So many people i want to hug. So, there's more time now if anyone wants to come for a visit! :) Cute babies, beauuutiful island, delicious food...what's not to love?! 
Oh, this extended stay also means a little adventure for me: I'm flying to Hong Kong on Wednesday to get a new visa...should be interesting! I'm gonna admit I'm a bit nervous, so prayers would be mucho appreciated. Thank you!!! Maybe I'll actually write about it when I get back :)

 *Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin.