Saturday, December 10, 2011

a day in the life...

I'm not sure what to say. I just feel like i fit here. I remember feeling this way when I was here before, but being away so long I had convinced myself that it was all in my head. I don't know what it means for my future, but I'm so thankful for the time God has allowed me for now. 
For those of you interested, here is what my day generally looks like:
7:30am- go downstairs, eat breakfast, maybe hold a baby (we have 15 currently)
8:30-9:15ish-feed babies/change diapers
9:30-11ish- play with babies/read books/sing songs/dance
11-11:45ish-feed babies/change diapers/put down for nap time
noon-2pm ish- eat lunch/go for a walk/take a nap/read a book/ hold a crier
2-3ish-feed babies/change diapers
3-5ish-play/read/sing with babies
5-5:30ish-feed babies/put down for nap
6-6:45ish- eat dinner
7-8ish- devotions with all the kids and babies/feed babies
8:15-9ish- finish feeding babies/change diapers/put to bed
10ish-go to bed (although it's 11pm as I'm typing this. I somehow never get right to sleep when I come upstairs)
Of course that doesn't include in between baby snuggling time/puke clean up, all the interaction with the other wonderful helpers here, the laughter, the encouragement, the understanding...sometimes the sarcasm :) Not to mention all the delicious amazing food! I am truly in lack of nothing here*. I am beyond blessed to be here.

Thanks so much for all your love and prayers! I'll try to get pics posted soon.
Because of Jesus

*Ok, so I am lacking people i love that don't live here. However, no matter where I go, I'm always missing someone. Which is one reason Heaven will be so incredibly fabulous!!!